Veterans of Delmarva

Welcome to our local veteran community

The Veterans of the Delmarva peninsula have served with distinction and honor since the birth of our Nation. This organization attempts to improve our knowledge of the issues that affect us all. We will attempt to keep each other up to date and aware of the benefits available and the current state of issues of concern to us, our families, and our friends.

Communication is the key to success. At this time, our Nation is polarized by political rhetoric. As the true defenders of our nation, we need to put aside political leanings and determine the best path for our citizens. This blog is open to any veteran to express and discuss your thoughts on current events. If you wish to submit an article for publication, don’t hesitate to contact me at

Articles for submission can cover any topic of interest to veterans living on the Delmarva Peninsula. Comments containing vulgar language, name-calling, or threats will not be published. We are looking for intelligent, thoughtful debate and discussion.

“If a man hasn’t discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live.”

Martin Luther King Jr.