Benefits and services offered to Veterans and Active Duty military living in the State of Delaware

Delaware offers several valuable benefits to its Veterans and Active Duty personnel. Here is a listing of what is available with a brief description and link to the official State Government pages that provide these benefits.

Disabled Veterans School Tax Credit

In 2021, Delaware Governor Carney signed into law House Bill 214 with House Amendment 1. This bill allows school districts to grant a Disabled Veterans School Property Tax Credit.  Only taxes assessed on a primary residence qualify for this credit. April 30th is the submission deadline for applications for the upcoming tax year. To qualify you must be rated service-connected, 100% disabled, and have been a Delaware resident for the past three years. More details and an application can be found here.

Senior School Property Tax Relief

If you are not a disabled Veteran, Delaware also offers school tax relief for seniors over 65 years of age. You can get a credit of 50% with a maximum of $500 towards your school tax if you meet certain other restrictions. Click here for full details and an application. Submission deadline is April 30th.