The history and stories of our military can educate or amuse for hours. Enjoy these accounts of our storied past.

The U.S. Air Force was created on September. 18, 1947. The history of this branch is extremely interesting and is detailed on this site in complete detail.

If you love combat air stories, click here and enjoy.

Lovers of the sea are always entertained with stories of our Navy and its history.. Established on Apr 30, 1798, the U.S. Navy has a long and distinguished story.

View the story of the founding of our Navy here and some colorful tales here.

The U.S. Arny a established-on June 14, 1775. The U.S. Army has played a vital role in the growth and development of the American nation.  Click here for a complete history of its development. This link will take you to some stories you may not have heard before.

In my opinion the United States Marine Corps is one of the most colorful and fabled of all of our military. Born in a tavern in Philadelphia on November 10, 1775, there isn’t a Marine alive that doesn’t revere that date. However, keeping with the uniqueness of the Corps, it was actually founded twice. Read that story here.

Click here for some colorful and often funny stories of the Corps.

I always assumed that the Coast Guard was part of the Navy. However, I was wrong. The United States Coast Guard was founded in 1790 as the United States Revenue Cutter Service. Between 1790 and 1798, the Revenue Marine was the only armed maritime service of the United States. This mother of the modern Coast Guard was a tax collector and enforcer of the slavery importation ban in 1808. It is a fascinating story that few know; read it here.